Subject: Re: Timeout on port 80
To: Todd Vierling <>
From: Eric Fox <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/04/1998 07:15:53
On 04-Aug-98 Todd Vierling wrote:
> On Mon, 3 Aug 1998, Eric Fox wrote:
>: tcp 863 Connection accepted.
>: tcp 1025 Connection accepted.
> BTW, these are likely servers that have dynamic port numbers, possibly
> through portmapper.
>: As you can see, port 80 is the only one missing. What's happening here?
> You sure your PPP peer hasn't started filtering port 80? I hear many ISPs
> do that now, because so many people have latched onto and
> --
> -- Todd Vierling (Personal; Bus.
I hadn't thought about portmapper, could be.
I can only assume not, I sent a note my provider and was assured they weren't
blocking the port:
... We do not filter any tcp/ip traffic except when the
person purchases the adult filtering. I can get to ftp, icmp and telnet
ports on your machine, but I cannot get to port 80. There are no configs
in the terminal server nor the router to disable port 80.
Which, if true, leaves me more than simply puzzled.
/\---/\ Eric J Fox
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