Subject: Re: 1.3.2 fails to config 3C905 (worked in 1.2)
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/25/1998 21:31:18
References: <> <> (Bruce Walker) writes:
>So I guess my question should now be modified to: anyone have a
>quick patch to the 3Com code to support the 905B? Is it as simple
>as detecting the new PCI ID number?
Unfortunately, it isn't that simple. The other 3COM cards are all operated
in PIO mode and for the 3C905B that mode is no longer supported by the
Frank van der Linden is working on a busmaster DMA driver for that boar.
Christoph Badura
Verlag O'Reilly