Subject: Re: Ghoscript and ghostview fonts
To: Fujie Zhang <fzhang@NMSU.Edu>
From: Brian C. Grayson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/19/1998 00:14:18
On Sat, Jul 18, 1998 at 03:40:45PM -0600, Fujie Zhang wrote:
> i installed both the ghoscript (5.10) and ghostview packages.

  Did you do this via the /usr/pkgsrc system, or by hand?  If you
did it via pkgsrc, it should have done the right thing.  If you
did it by hand, you'll need to install ghostscript-fonts-std-4.0.tar.gz and
ghostscript-fonts-other-4.40.tar.gz, which should be available
the same place you got ghostscript and gv (I personally prefer
gv over ghostview!).

> Also, i'm trying to set up a HP LaserJet 6L printer to my NetBSD(1.3.1
> with XFree86.3.3.2) box with my PC at home. i got the printer to print,
> but the top and left margins are too small. i lost text at both places.
> any insight on this will also help. thx in advance.

  Could the printer and/or your print filter and/or dvips or any
other tool along the way be set up for A4 paper instead of US
letter (or vice versa)?  Does straight text (echo "Test" | lpr)
come out in the correct postion?

  I hope this helps!

"...and the particle undergoes a BOINNNNG..." - Dr. Dunning, PHYS 202