Subject: Differential SCSI?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael K. Sanders <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/29/1998 18:25:29
[ apologies if you receive this twice, I realized that netbsd-help would
probably be a more appropriate list for this than -users ]
ONSALE.COM has a bunch(!) of Quantum Atlas II 4GB Wide Differential
drives for roughly $90 each. I see that the Adaptec 2944 controller
should be supported under NetBSD, so I'm very tempted to pick up a few
of these and put them in a big CCD.
Does anyone have any opinions on using Differential SCSI? I realize
that the controllers are more expensive (~$350 for the 2944).
Also, I dimly recall something about mirroring under CCD not being
particularly stable or well supported-- is this still the case? I'd
like to stripe and mirror the drives, but could settle with just
striping if I had to, I suppose.
:: Mike ::