Subject: Re: sup configuration?
To: Paul B Dokas <>
From: Brad Salai <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/18/1998 15:31:55
At 2:07 PM -0500 6/18/98, Paul B Dokas wrote:
>On Thu, 18 Jun 1998, Brad Salai wrote:
>> When I try to use it,
>> # sup -v sup.warped
>> SUP 8.26 (4.3 BSD) for file sup.warped at Jun 18 05:29:57
>> SUP: Can't find my host entry
>> #
>> This same(obviously not, but I don't know what is different) setup works
>> fine on a different machine.
>> I've read the man page, but it isn't talking to me.
>> Any suggestions? I'm prepared to be embarassed, I just want to get it
>> running.
>I was getting this exact behavior when I attempted to sup from the terminal
>room at USENIX.  It turned out that the gethost() routing in scm.c assumes
>that the hostname can be looked up with gethostbyname().  My hostname
>is "voyager" but the ip was set to and
>/etc/hosts only contained localhost.
>I "fixed" this by making an entry for voyager in /etc/hosts that pointed
>to the ip assigned by dhcp.
>Does anyone know why sup cares what the hostname is anyway?
You are exactly right. When I tried hostname, it had nothing. I do have a
hostname and domain set in rc.conf, but for some reason it wasn't enough.

When I set the hostname with hostname -s it started working fine. I since
changed the hostname in rc.conf to, but I haven't rebooted
since then, so I don't know if it was that.


Stephen B. Salai                            Phone (716) 325-5553
Cumpston & Shaw                             Fax    (716) 262-3906
Two State Street                            email
Rochester, NY 14614