Subject: RE: Corel's NetWinder Network computer. What do you think?
To: 'Chris G. Demetriou' <cgd@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John A. Maier - MIS dept. <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/02/1998 15:36:43
>In other words, if that was their excuse, I'd say, "They ported linux
>because somebody sold them on linux and now they're trying to justify
>it after the fact."  They may have other, more valid reasons, but that
>statement about why they didn't use NetBSD is simply nonsense.

I don't remember anyone saying 'why didn't they use NetBSD instead?'

My point was it, looks like a neat box and I'd be willing to buy one if NetBSD
could run on it.  

I am aware that NetBSD is working on existing ARM boxes so I though I might just throw out the hat.

I have more than a clue why they used Linux on it.  Same reason people buy IBM mainframes instead of DECs...the name.

<reminisce mode>
Sigh, nothing spells fun like a well behave heard of VAXen or watching the rack shake as the RL01/2(s) on your PDP-11/23 access.
<back to the present>


John A. Maier
************ !!!I am a nerd!!! *********
** I have a:                          **
**       PDP-11/23                    **
**       uVAX II (2)                  **
**       PDP-8                        **
**       PRO-350                      **
**       and I use NetBSD UNIX        **
** If you have a problem with it...   **
** take it up with my wife, she'll    **
** side with you :-(                  **