Subject: Mozilla
To: netbsd-help <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Claude Foley <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/26/1998 14:10:00
I tried to install Mozilla on my Sun 3/60, I unzipped the monster,
compiled it, install it,
add libraries to /etc/ and it still doesn't work. Finally I
tried a compiled version
using static libraries( found it on a NetBSD site for Mac ). It does
works but not for long,
after a while( 15-30 minutes ) it stop with a segmentation fault.
When mozilla start I have a lot of warning about pageup, pagedown,
etc, I guess that this
could be fixed by adding some keymap or something equivalent. I also
have warnings about
Xmscrollbar < 1 and other stuff of the same kind.
I read a lot about keyboard mapping and xressources, but I could not
figure out what to add
and where to add it. Should it be global or for Netsape only.
Could somebody give me some pointers on that matters
Does somebody is currently working to make the package Mozilla a
littlle bit easier to install,
I think that an installation guide for Mozilla on NetBSD will be of a
great help. I understand
that there is other thing more important than Mozilla but I was
thinking that may be somebody
( interested in Netscape ) with more knowledge than me could be
working on it.
Thanks for your patience, I know that my questions are basic but I'm
learning Unix and I
obviously still have a lot to learn.
Claude Foley