Subject: Re: A couple questions... (Sound, X, etc.)
To: Mason Loring Bliss <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/24/1998 18:42:55
On Sun, 24 May 1998, Mason Loring Bliss wrote:
> Hi, all! Nothing urgent, but I'm curious about a couple things.
> 1) A friend sent me some MP3 sound files. I snagged and built amp, but my
> sound card is too old/primitive/starved to deal with the files. I tried
> doing "amp -c -w foo.mp3 bar.wav" and variations on that to convert, but
> it evidently didn't work. In some cases the thing dumped core. (Not every-
> thing on my box does that! Honest! :)
> I guess what I need to do is chop the sounds down from sixteen bits to
> eight bits, and maybe drop them from 44kHz to 22kHz or something. My sound
> card is a pretty ancient 8-bit SoundBlaster. Is there anything out there
> that'll do this for me?
Sounds like someone needs to look at fixing amp. Have you tried
> 2) I'd love to start using my Unix box for sound editing. Right now I use
> SoundEffects on my Mac. Is there anything equivalent that'll work with
> NetBSD? xwave doesn't seem to want to record sounds for me, and it seems
> slightly feature-starved anyway. (I *can* record by catting from /dev/audio,
> but that's not quite slick enough! Of course, now that I've tried it again,
> it fails to work. Blah. I'll figure the silly thing out.)
sox sounds like it _could_ help (I'm just checking the NetBSD
pkg list here :)
> 3) Is there a non-window-manager specific way to do macros in X? I'd like
> to have a window-manager-nonspecific way to tie a sequence of keystrokes
> to F1 or maybe ALT-1.
Pretty sure there isn't - its down to the window manager - I tend
to bind whatever I need in each wm...
-=- They took away my irony, but they left my deceit -=-