Subject: timidity package troubles...
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Zach Fine <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/17/1998 19:56:38
I discovered the package system earlier today, downloaded the big
pkgsrc tarfile, and have spent a few hours downloading, compiling, and
installing packages.  The system seems to work pretty well.

I installed the timidity package, which went swimmingly. Then when I
tried to run it, it complained that it "Couldn't open Sun audio

I tried again and again with a variety of options, as superuser, with
no luck:

jehosephat% timidity -ikv ~czyz/Axel_f.mid > /dev/audio
Couldn't open Sun audio device

Is there a problem with the package or is this just user error?

thanks for any help.

-Zach Fine