Subject: Upgrade to 1.3.1
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Richard Horwood <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/15/1998 15:56:37
I've looked and looked, and found several vague references, but nothing
that actually helps me with this.
I want to upgrade my NetBSD 1.3 system to the latest version (-current)
and I am only dimly aware that this requires getting a snapshot or
something, running sup pointed at some site or other carrying the lates CVS
tree and running a make world or a make <something> to upgrade it all.
Very confusing :(
Can someone point me to a good guide on how to do this - all my searches
have proved (mostly) fruitless.
I'll admit I haven't looked as hard as I could have done, but I don't
actually have time to wade through mailing list archives etc to do this.
A good handy guide would be great.
To date the closest I have got is for upgrading NetBSD 1.2 on a PowerPC.
Didn't actually help that much :)
Downloading lots of stuff isn't going to pose a problem.