Subject: Re: shared memory problem?
To: None <gelbard@ENGR.ORST.EDU>
From: Robert Alexander Baxter <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/13/1998 09:09:04
Nathan Gelbard wrote:
> > Actually, even if the X server has the shared memory extension,
> > it is still necessary to have the SYSVSHM option in the kernel,
> > so Nathan needs to check both of these things.
> I've got SYSVSHM in the kernel, and MIT-SHM enabled in the
> server. Any other ideas? I recomiled the emulators for NetBSD,
> but with no effect.
Well, I'm not familiar with the quality of the error
messages returned by shared memory services, but perhaps
your program (the C64 emulator) actually did accomplish
shared memory usage, but couldn't allocate as much as
it wanted. In the kernel, another option having to do
with shared memory is the SHMMAX or something like that
which sets the maximum number of pages of shared memory
available. I don't know if this sets maximum contiguous
pages, or maximum for one pair or group of processes,
or maximum for the whole system, but maybe changing this
option higher than the default of 1024 pages would help
you. I know that a package called Mesa GL, which is a free
clone of Open GL, recommends increasing the "maximum number
of pages of shared memory" and rebooting for some operating