Subject: Re: Making a2ps and ghostscript work together
To: None <>
From: Taras Ivanenko <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/05/1998 12:19:30
> % cat | gs -q -dNODISPLAY -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=deskjet -sOutputFile=-
> I get the following error (lots more in fact, but this is the first couple
> of lines.

gs, when reading from stdin or command line, expects postsript command
to start and finish on the same line. When reading from the file,
commands can spread across many line, the end-of-line is ignored. The
solution to your problem is to specify the file on the command line
for gs:

gs <your favourite options> file.fs

	Taras Ivanenko.