Subject: Docs and manuals - VI problems
To: NetBSD - Help mailinglist <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Staffan Bengtsson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/09/1998 11:37:50
It took a long time before I actually suceeded in editing and saving a file in
VI. The installation manual does not give me any help at all, it only tells me
to use "VI". Is there any manual or DOC aviable somewhere for VI so I can
learn to use it, or is there any other editing tool in netBSD 1.3 ?
I have edited fstab, incorrectly... And now the system claims that it is a
read-only system and vi refuses to save new changes for fstab.
Is there any help anywhere how fstab should be edited?
The installation guide should be totally rewritten :(