Subject: Re: cannot get sound to work on any machine
To: Lennart Augustsson <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/19/1998 18:04:03
On 19-Feb-98 Lennart Augustsson spoke unto us all:
# > I have a sparc 1 and a i386 w/ Sound Blaster 16 (dsp 3.0something) and I
# cannot
# > get sound to work on either of them..
# This sounds like you don't have the card at the right interrupt.
# Are you sure it is at IRQ 7? The sound card probe doesn't verify
# that what the config file says is correct, it just blindly trusts it.
That makes sense except for the fact that it exhibits the same behavior on both
of my sparcs. I can understand getting the IRQ wrong on the i386.. but the
sparcs are what mystifies me about this problem.
Tim Rightnour -