Subject: Re: HELP : some newbie questions
To: Alex Barclay <>
From: CyberPeasant <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/17/1998 16:39:37
> On Saturday, February 14, 1998 7:20 AM, CyberPeasant
> [] wrote:
> think BSD systems have "always" (perhaps someone can point out when this was
> not true) picked the interpreter in the kernel.
> Please correct me if I'm wrong (this was nearly 10 years ago now) and
> thankfully I haven't seen SysVr2 for a very long time (it was awful) ;-)
You're probably right about this. It just does not stand to reason though.
Well, what does? :)
I had some rather grim experiences with the Microport version of SVR2.
(No company ever deserved bankruptcy more.) This was for 286; it can
be said in its favor that it worked (sort of). It came with an
absolutely hideous compiler. (An un-enhanced version of pcc). Ick.
PGP public key: finger
--== There are Greeks in that horse! I can hear them! ==--