Subject: Re: nswapmap goof
To: Christian Taylor <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/21/1997 16:16:15
>I just installed -current binaries (current as of 10/04/97) on my mac68k
>system.  Everything is working great, except when I run top I get "to:
>panic: nswapmap goof"  What's up with that?  Swap seems to be working fine
>(ie. it's enabled at boot and there are no error messages, and the system
>is running stable).  I'm just wondering if that's a bug in -current or if
>it's a problem with my system.  If it is, what can I do to fix it (and what
>else may be broken because of it)?

nothing's broken, it's just that the generic top distribution (all the
way up to 3.5beta6) doesn't know how to talk swap with -current
kernels ever since the switchover to swapctl(2).

easiest fix:
 * download
 * unpack the tar ball
 * apply the patch
   to the source tree.  no, it's not a reversed patch, yes apply it
   anyway.  the patch to Configure won't go in, but you can ignore this.
* make
* install

this is basically what the package stuff will do for you under
-current, but i'm not tracking -current that closely, so i can't cd to
the appropriate package directory and make it.  you might even be able
to get away with just that.

|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----| (TheMan)        * "ah!  i see you have the internet                               that goes *ping*!"      * "information is power -- share the wealth."