Subject: What can I do about ccd errors?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andreas Brusinsky <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/18/1997 13:43:53
I get sometimes this error:

ccd0: error 22 on component 0

Dos somebody aproximately know what this could mean?

Could I help ccd to recover from this (programms that cause this error 
hang and do not time out or something)? 
Or should I disable ccd's if this comes up?

The ccd whas actually running for some days doing heavy
compilation tasks and did not have problems.

There was only once a problem when I did a newfs on the ccd that pointed
to some problems with the last sector or so.
I just applied a different intrleave and then it worked or made at least
the newfs without any errors.
Thanks for comments

        Bye   Brusi

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