Subject: Re: Kernel config options, i386 port 1.2.1
To: None <NetBSD-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sean Witham <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/09/1997 13:22:55
O.K. I still have difficulties with my kernel config.
I have a pentium base machine but I have recompile the kernel
without maths emulation I can't recompile the user land binnarys
to work, well those that need the FP. Is there a procedure for
recompiling the /usr/src tree such that bin's such as systat work
on a kernel with the FP emulation config option off ? A straight
forward :
make depend
of the kernel
followed by
make build
in /usr/src
and then copying the new kernel /netbsd and rebooting doesn't work.
I feel I have the order of events wrong somewhere. Can anyone
tell me what I'm missing assuming I start with a clean source tree.
I do feel lost with very little info about kernel tunning and the
effects on the rest of the source.
I have a dedicated 64M file server with a pentium 133Mhz, i'm trying
to increase the network buffers and the disc cache to help speed
things up as best as possible. I'm have set NMBCLUSTER=2048 but
i'm on sure on what values are safe to sue for NBUF and BUFPAGES.
I won't running anything on the machine accept standard daemons,
a few managments scripts, and quota's. NO X11 and only sysop logins
to manage things. ALL the load will be disk access via the network
during the day and a backup by night.
Any info that may help me furher would be appreaciated.