Subject: Q:hp360 as a fileserver?
To: port hp300 <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andreas Brusinsky <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/08/1997 16:54:31
What would be the mainly best kernel-setup for a hp360
(68030 + FPU),8 MB RAM, a fast HPIB interface and a 300 MB
HPIB disk to use it just as a fileserver .
(releated: Does it make a difference if I connect the HPIB disk
to a HP380 with just a normal HPIB interface compared to the fast
interface of the HP360? Can I use the interface card of a hp360 in
a HP380?)
I assume I could increase some buffers that would otherwise be used
for user apps or ohter stuff.
I really would like it only to boot blindly and serve the data that is
stored on its connected disk.
Bye Brusi