Subject: Re: release schedule? (was Re: FD_SETSIZE)
To: None <, netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ty Sarna <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/06/1997 19:01:49
In article <> you write:
> Sorry about the cross-post, this _is_ just a reply.
> The solution is to anticipate a release and split the code off into the
> release branch and the development branch. Bug _fixes_ (at least, those
> that don't include major rewrites) go into _both_ branches. You should
But this wouldn't help him, in that case -- poll() is either a new
feature of a major rewrite bugfix, depending on your point of view, but
it wouldn't go into 1.2.1 in any case.