Subject: Kernel config options and the lint file from freeBSD
To: None <NetBSD-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sean Witham <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/02/1997 12:39:42
Has anyone got something similar to the kernel config file linit that
is available for freeBSD ?
When I say similar I'm refeering to the fact that the files lists
lots (most?) of the config options that it supports and gives details
to their purpose.
Here are some realted questions that maybe someone can answer:
1. is the MATH_EMULATE option needed on a pentium ?
2. what effect does the option GENERIC have, is it a supper set of
commonly desired options ?
3. is NSWAPDEV usedfor configuring the maximum number of swap
devices as in freeBSD and what is it set to by defult ?
4. freeBSD has DDB_UNATTENDED so that a panic causes the machine to
reboot as oppose to drop into the kernel debugger is this the same for
5. is the option EXTRAVNODES availble on NetBSD and would extra vnodes
be of any use to a busy file server compared to say a news server with
its larger use of small files.
Feel free to point me at a file or web page somewhere if such
questions are proving petty. Any extra information on the NetBSD
version of the 4.4 kernel and its config options would be thankfuly
received !