Subject: Invitation to speak at BEACH LISA in San Diego on May 20th, 7pm
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Scott C Kennedy 619-658-4152 <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/14/1997 17:42:57
I know that you are not the correct address to send this type of request to,
but in looking for an appropriate mailing-list, I have yet to see one that
fits best. Can you suggest one? 

Good afternoon,

My name is Scott C. Kennedy and I am on the board of director's 
for BEACH L.I.S.A - the San Diego System Administrators Group.

BEACH L.I.S.A. will be having a special meeting in May to discuss 
the various UNIX implementations available for the Intel x86 
platform. I'd like to see if I can arrange for a local representative 
for your Unix implementation to speak. If you cannot provide one, 
please let me know if you have a consultant in the area who is 
willing to speak on your behalf.

Each speaker will be asked to give a 10 min presentation on their
implementation, they are free to say anything they like during their 
presentation, but I'd suggest staying within the realms of good taste.
(ie. no competitor bashing)

After the presentations, we will have a Q&A period which will allow the 
audience to ask questions.

Here's the excerpt from our Web Page.

	May 20th.

	War of the Intel Unixes

	Experts from the partisian camps of BSD, Linux and Solaris, 
	all on Intel, will square off in a panel discussion of who 
	has the better Unix. Perhaps the only thing they'll agree 
	on is that any of them are better than Microsoft Windows. 

The meeting will start at 7pm and is expected to end about 9pm. The 
meeting facilites will be the Qualcomm Auditorium, which seats 
approximately 300 people. Video projectors, whiteboards, slide 
projectors, overhead  transparencies, and LCD projectors will be 
available for use. Please let us know which you may need and I 
will make sure they are prepared for you.

So far, I have tentative commitments from
	Solaris x86 - SunSoft or a local SE/CE
	Linux - Local Linux User group
	BSDI - Joe Austin
	SCO Unix - Unknown

Included is the timeline. I hope that you can arrange for someone to attend.

	Apr 14th - 5:30 pm : This letter
	May 12th - 6:00 pm : Final deadline for participants.
	May 13th - 1:00 pm : Press Release sent to local media.
	May 18th - 6:00 pm : Last Call for "special" presentation needs.
	May 20th - 7:00 pm : Unix on Intel Disussion panel.
