Subject: nfs mounting off of a SunOS 5.5.1 machine
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jasper Wallace <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/04/1997 18:44:09

showmount shows:
jasper@quatermass:~/> showmount -e stingray
Exports list on stingray:
/export/home/stingray              fugitive xfiles uncle quatermass 

but if I try to mount it.

jasper@quatermass:~/> su
quatermass# mount -t nfs stingray:/export/home/stingray /mnt2
nfs: can't access /export/home/stingray: Permission denied

trying mount_nfs with -2 and -3 makes no difference, and yes nfsiod is
running ;-)

I'm sure i've heard of problems with this combernation of os's before but my
greps of mailboxes reveals nothing.

I'm running netbsd/arm32 1.2 of mid Febuary ish.

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		 *Universal Turing Machine*
					      and I'm not afraid to use it