Subject: Re: Summer-time
To: Jon Ribbens <>
From: Jim Reid <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/01/1997 12:38:01
>>>>> "Jon" == Jon Ribbens <> writes:

    Jon> Britain switches to summer time this Sunday. What do I have
    Jon> to do to NetBSD to get it to cope with this?

Nothing. Unless of course the zoneinfo file has the wrong information
about European daylight savings time changes. This is possible, but
unlikely. There was an EU directive a couple of years ago which
formalises the dates for moving the clocks for the next few years.
These rules should be in the zoneinfo file.

    Jon> I am running xntpd on a NetBSD 1.2 machine, and other
    Jon> machines (running NetBSD 1.1) are synced to that using
    Jon> timed. I don't suppose it'll cope with it automatically?

It should do. [BTW, you're better off using xntpd and NTP than timed
fo timekeeping.] UNIX keeps time internally to UTC. Commands and
library routines which print the date consult the zoneinfo file to
translate that UTC timestamp to the local date and time.