Subject: MAX Memmory setting in Kernel
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Joseph R. Rach <nomad@UDel.Edu>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/07/1997 13:00:55

	Is there a macro in NetBSD's kernel configuration for the amount
of memory for the system? I seems that my machine won't boot when it has
64MB of ram, only when its less. At first I suspected a bad simm, but after
swapping them around, its got to either a bad slot? or a configuartion
somewhere. I'm pretty sure its not a hardware problem at this point. Any
help is appreciated. BTW, its a sparc1, passes memmory checks and runs
StunOS fine.

				Thanks in advance,
				Joe Rach
echo '[q]sa[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx]sb3135071790101768542287578439snlbxq'|dc