Subject: Re: How to install ide CD-ROM (detailed description)
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Marsden <Jonathan@XC.Org>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/30/1997 16:14:35
On 29 Jan 1997, Zdenek Salvet writes:

> x) Create device files:
> brw-r-----  1 root  operator   18,   0 Sep  2 13:51 /dev/acd0a
> crw-r-----  1 root  operator   21,   0 Sep  2 13:25 /dev/racd0a

Right!  I actually did this by hacking up /dev/MAKEDEV.local, but
forgot to mention that important detail.  The patch I used is enclosed
below.  One can then create the devices by doing

  cd /dev
  sh MAKEDEV.local acd0

as root.

*** MAKEDEV.local.orig	Sun Aug 18 19:40:56 1996
--- MAKEDEV.local	Thu Jan 30 16:09:38 1997
*** 44,49 ****
--- 44,66 ----
  case $i in
+ atapi)
+         sh MAKEDEV.local acd0 acd1
+ 	;;
+ acd*)
+ 	umask 2 ; unit=`expr $i : '.*cd\(.*\)'`
+ 	name=acd; blk=18; chr=21;
+ 	rm -f $name$unit? r$name$unit?
+ 	mknod ${name}${unit}a	b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 0`
+ 	mknod ${name}${unit}d	b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 3`
+ 	mknod r${name}${unit}a	c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 0`
+ 	mknod r${name}${unit}d	c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 3`
+ 	chgrp operator ${name}${unit}[a-h] r${name}${unit}[a-h]
+ 	chmod 640 ${name}${unit}[a-h] r${name}${unit}[a-h]
+ 	umask 77
+ 	;;
  	echo 'MAKEDEV.local: no such device.'

Jonathan Marsden   | Internet:  | Making electronic 
1849 N. Wabash Ave.| Phone: +1 (909) 794 1151   | communications work 
Redlands, CA 92374 | FAX:   +1 (909) 794 3016   | reliably for Christian 
USA                | | missions worldwide