Subject: netbsd-i386 to mac network questions
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jim Spath (Webmaster Jim) <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/30/1997 16:50:02
I've volunteered to do a project at my son's elementary school. I am
planning to keep their lab full of Apple ][s and //es from the junk
heap by using them as ascii terminals into a PC running NetBSD.
While I think I'll be able to get this wired up and running to allow
the kids to do text browsing and web page editing, the librarian
wishes to include their Mac network. I planned to hook up the Apple ][s
as serial terminals, but don't know how the Mac network operates.
Could someone with knowledge of this environment give mes some clues as
*) Is a Mac to NetBSD-i386 PPP direct serial connection possible and
if so, what do I need? The librarian said she uses a Mac to dial
out and browse the web using Netscape.
*) Is an interface between the NetBSD box and the Mac network possible
with some other protocol? Again, what do I need?
*) The school gets money/equipment from supermarket promotions. Is
there something specific in this topic I should recommend that
would be useful even if/when Apple goes bankrupt?
I don't speak (or work) for the Baltimore County Public Library.
They keep telling me, "Shhhhh!"