Subject: Newbee: Problems installing NetBSD 1.2
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG, port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/28/1997 10:53:37
Hello !
I'm a newbee in this mailinglist and have some problems installing netbsd
1.2/picasso on my A2000 with GVP Combo 030/882/25/5MB, 4 MB Fastram and
DEC DSP 3053LS on ID 0, terminating with a SONY CD-ROM on ID 1. Additionally
there's a Picasso II and also a MTEC I/O Extender.
In initialization phase it shows the following lines:
>gvpbus0 at zbus0 rom 0xe90000 man/pro 2017/11: subprod f7 flags 40
>gtsc0 at gvpbus0: dmamask 0xffffff flags e maxdma 65536
>gtsc0: target 1 now synchronous, period=276 ns, offset=12
>gtsc0 targ 1 lun 0: <DEC DSP3053LS, X442> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
>sd0: at scsibus0: 511 MB, 3117 cyl, 4 head, 20 sec, 2048 bytes/sec
After trying to install root partition the following error occurs:
>sbicgo: HELP! no bounce allocated for 1
>xfer: (523f34->116ff34,20)
>alloc ZII target 1 bounce pa 0x9f0000
>Allocating 1 bounce at 9f0000
>sd0: partition block with bad id
Is there anybody out there to help me with this problem ?
Thanks a lot !