Subject: Amiga Port:getting software compiled.
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael 'IOC' Hellmund <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/27/1997 16:16:22
hi ya all =)
Since I took the last jump and installed NetBSD on my computer.
I wonder why it seems like I cant compile any software on it.
I tryed to compile Bash-1.14.1. and it ends with errors.
*** STOP. something.
I tryed 4 programmes allready and they wont let me compile them
not the compile would not run and start it work.
it just stopes at a certain point.
ie. the zsh2.1 stoped cuz of a missing termio.h file
may I still need better include files for my maschine ?
since termio.h allready is missing?
and if where can I get those files ?
in that way thank you all for breaking your brains for me ;).
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