, " <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mark Andres <mark@giganet.net>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/10/1997 11:40:15
At 5:03 PM 97.1.8, Dmitry Dolgikh wrote:
> I want to setup pop3 server on MacBSD (running on SE/30).
> Does anybody know where I can get such server.
There are a lot of compiled binaries for Macs running NetBSD at:
There a a copy of UWash Popper and Qualcomm's Qpopper. I would recommend
the latter.
There is a lot of other programs in there as well.
Mark Andres Head, Support Dept.
GIGANET by Business Network Telecom (BNT)
E-mail: mark@giganet.net URL: http://www.giganet.net/staff/mark/
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