Subject: Re: I can't use talk(1)
To: Heron GALLEGOS <>
From: Jim Reid <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/05/1996 09:51:12
>>>>> "Heron" == Heron GALLEGOS <> writes:

    Heron> Help!  The talk(1) command fails in my new NetBSD 1.2

    Heron> My talkd(8) don't send the ANNOUNCE message

    Heron> Nov 25 16:17:42 polaris talkd[166]: sendto: Address family not supported by protocol family 

    Heron> My /etc/inetd.conf ntalk dgram udp wait root /usr/libexec/ntalkd ntalkd

    Heron> What am I doing wrong?

I think you may be running the old talk software rather than the new
one (ntalk). The old code was machine specific - it would only work
between hosts with the same byte sex. I recall seeing this problem
when our 4.2 BSD VAX tried talking to a shiny new Sun2.

The syslog messages you've supplied would suggest that it's talkd and
not ntalkd that's getting the talk requests.