Subject: USR Modem causes total lock-up
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG, netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rick Byers <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/29/1996 18:31:30
I've got an internal USR Sportster (fairly recent DSP date - I can check
if it's imporant), and NetBSD locks up when dialing sometimes.  Normally,
it works fine the first time, and then after I disconnect ppp, and start
it again, it freezes (totally - not just the terminal).  I had other
problems with my modem, so USR replaced it with a brand new one.  The new
one doesn't do it as much (the old one did it EVERY single time - on the
2nd access of the modem).  It still happens atleast 50% of the time (on
the second connect attempt - first one is allways fine).  I've never had a
problbem with any other modem, but I havn't used others much.  It's on
COM3 (well, what netbsd calls com2) - IRQ 5.  Nothing else is using IRQ 5,
nothing else is using the same I/O port.

I've been really disapointed with USR lately.  Can anyone reccomend a
really good modem manufacturer?  Reliable/Good support - price isn't
terribly important.  

Let me know if you have any suggestions about how I can track down the
problem with the modem.  BTW - the same thing happened to a friend of
mine, (same setup), but it hasn't happened since he got his modem replaced
(although he hasn't used it much, I wouldn't be surprised if it starts).
It's never locked up for either of us under DOS/Win95.


Rick Byers                                      Internet Access Worldwide                                System Admin, Tech Support
Welland, Ontario, Canada                                    (905)714-1400