Subject: NFS problems
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Chad Mynhier <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/05/1996 15:41:34
	I'm running NetBSD-1.2(beta) on a Sparc 5.  I'm trying to set it
up as an NFS server.  I'm doing all of this by hand after the machine has
been up, if that matters.  I have an /etc/exports that looks like:

/export/sun4-netbsd1 -ro all_ng

When I start mountd with this /etc/exports, I get the following error 

duff-lite> Sep  5 15:15:06 duff-lite mountd[1216]: Can't change attributes for /export/sun4-netbsd1. 
Sep  5 15:15:06 duff-lite mountd[1216]: Bad exports list line /export/sun4-netbsd1 -ro all_ng

If I change 'all_ng' to the name of a specific machine, it will work, and
I can mount the partition from that machine.  When I change it back and 
kill -HUP mountd, I get the same messages as above.  Can anyone offer any
explanations for what I'm doing wrong?

Chad Mynhier <>
Journeyman Wizard, CS Department        
University of Tennessee, Knoxville