Subject: assertion "cp" failed.
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG, netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tatoku Ogaito <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/05/1996 21:11:12
Dear current-users,

I bought 2 NCR 53c810 SCSI controllers for my PC last week.

After upgrade my system, I receive following messages
from kernel few times per day, and I cannot access any
partition on sd2 at all.

/netbsd: assertion "cp" failed: file "../../../../dev/pci/ncr.c", line 5748
/netbsd: sd2(ncr1:3:0): COMMAND FAILED (4 28) @0xf88e1a00.

This problem seems to occur few hours after rebooting.

Does this mean my HDD is dying ?

My configuration:
Kernel: NetBSD 1.2_BETA as of Sep. 03
CPU:    Pentium Pro 200MHz
RAM:    128MB

     +-- sd0: QUANTUM, Empire 1080S    (SCSI ID=0)
     +-- sd1: QUANTUM, Capella VP32210 (SCSI ID=1)

     +-- sd2: QUANTUM Atlas XP34300    (SCSI ID=3) <-- dying?
     +-- cd0: NEC CDR-510              (SCSI ID=4)

Tatoku Ogaito		| Email:
Department of Physics   | Fax:   +81 776-61-8141
Fukui Medical School  	| Tel:   +81 776-61-3111 ext 2446