, Port Amiga <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Garth Corral <garthc@compass-da.com>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/02/1996 10:38:10
Hello all,
Well, this is about the fourth time that I have posted this message
either to comp.unix.amiga or to the port-amiga mailing list and I have yet
to recieve a single response. This puzzles me because I distinctly
remember this topic being raised in one of the two previously mentioned
forums. I can not find it in the port-amiga archives which, BTW, have not
been updated since May 31st and I don't know if or where comp.unix.amiga
is archived.
Anyway, here goes. I have an A3000 with 16/2M, an A3640
accelerator and a Retina ZIII graphics card. This system has been happily
running NetBSD-1.1 since it's release. I have installed X11R6 from
regensburg and am running Xamiga24 at ~ 1152x910.
The problem is that while the mouse pointer moves correctly in the x
direction, moving the mouse vertically causes the pointer to jump in huge
(<> 256 pixel) increments in the y direction. If I move some thing on the
screen, e.g. an xterm, it moves smoothly in both x and y but the pointer
still jumps in huge increments. It is difficuly to tell exactly where the
pointer really is on the screen and this is more than just annoying.
Anyone have any idea what may be causing this? Better still any
possible solutions? As always, all help is greatly appreciated.