Subject: Re: NetBSD DOSEMU -- questions from a prospective NetBSD user
To: None <>
From: Markus Illenseer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/21/1996 07:23:32
[My, what cross-postings...]
> - How easy is it to install NetBSD?
Fairly easy if you know what you do :-) This really isnt Linux, but
the installation process is improving.
> - How good is NetBSD's Linux emulation? (Even though I don't run it
> personally, a good test is how well it runs Linux doom or Netscape)
Well, it does work. I never used it yet. As for NetScape, the BSD386
version seemed more appropriate.
> - Where can I get a NetBSD CD-ROM?
It seems that outside Germany my CD-ROM is rather unknown. Only Australia
purchased more than expected yet :-) Therefore a pointer:
This CD-ROM is dedicated to NetBSD-Amiga, therefor interesting for every
m68k-platform, but of course holds the entire NetBSD distribution version
1.1 for all platforms including i386. And the CD's cheaper than BSDisc :-)
FYI: The next Gateway! Volume is on the road, I am waiting for NetBSD 1.2.
And the CD does not give me _any_ money...
Markus Illenseer