Subject: vm_fault on mac
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Beauchemin Communications <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/17/1996 14:42:39
Here is my problem:
When booting NetBSD in multiple users mode, after a screenful of text, I
get this:
vm_fault(10c000, 8bb6000, 1, 0) -> 1vm_fault(10c000, 8bb6000, 1, 0) -> ...
and everything hangs up.
when trying in single user mode, after giving vt220 as my terminal type for
any command I enter on the # prompt, I get:
trap type 1, code = f66d, v= 19e4a39trap type 1, code...
I am so anxious to try NetBSD on my mac!
Here's my environnement:
Mac IIci
8 megs RAM
100 megs hd (70 Root-Usr, 20 Swap, 10 MacOS hfs)
Thanks in advance...