Subject: Re: Accessing printer spooled by NT
To: Tank <>
From: Christoph P. Kukulies <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/21/1996 09:42:07
> Greets All-
> I have a printing problem I'm hoping someone here can shed light on...
> I have NetBSD v1.1 running on both a P5-100MHz system and a Mac II/68030, I
> want to be able to access a Appletalk based DataProducts LZR-1560 Printer
> that is being spooled by NT-Server.  By using NT-Server, I am able to print
> from both Mac & NT-Workstations in the office, but do not know how to
> configure things to let the NetBSD boxes print through the NT-Spooler...

There might be a chance using samba (a lanmanager server for unix).
You can find it at (off memory) or
in the FreeBSD distribution at
distfiles/net/samba (also blindly aiming).
It contains a small script, called smbprint, which allows you to print to
printers attached to PCs over the smb protocol. I'm not sure if
this would also work to an atalk attached printer but since you 
specify only the name of the printer at the specific workstation
I don't see a reason why it should not work.

> Any help is appreciated...
> Tnx
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Tank (SPM)                 Sean P. McNamara
>                            The Planet Group, Inc.
> Tank@PG.NET                Design, Communications, and Technology
>                            Voice: (312) 772-8333
>                            Fax:   (312) 772-9214

--Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies