Subject: Re: 'less' utility
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Max Bell <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/15/1996 21:25:00
>From: Brad Spencer <>
>I don't believe the original 'more' is there [unless it showed up,
>again, when I wasn't looking].  One should be able to find it in the
>1.0 tree, or failing that, try:

Other replies would suggest that 1.0's is also really a modified less,
but I thank you for the source code none the less.  :-)

>I don't like 'less' very much, either.

If it came down to otherwise having to use normal less, I'd just get the
pure 4.4 version off the CD-ROM.
