Subject: RE: Patching svr4-current code to work on 1.1 (i386)
To: 'netbsd-help' <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John A. Maier <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/08/1996 09:28:39
>>     I checked sys/socketvar.h and there is no member
>>     "so_internal" the closest member (I can figure out) is
>>     so_state.  Since so_state seems to be a short where                    
>>     so_internal seems to be an int, replacing one with another,
>>     via casting, doesn't seem to be the answer.

>You need to change so_internal to so_tpcb. The rest is ok.

do I replace:
          so->so_internal = st;
          so->so_tpcb = st;
(doesn't work)

struct scr4_strm {
	int s_cmd;

struct socket {
	<omited members>
	void *so_pcb; 
	<omited members>

I'm not sure how to handle this?

Just currious, has gcc include files change that much since the new compiler was rolled in?

Why am I having so much trouble getting this to compile?
