Subject: Re: LFS again
To: Stefan Monnier <>
From: Tom Pavel <PAVEL@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/19/1996 12:31:44
>>>>> On Thu, 18 Jan 1996, Stefan Monnier <>
> Well I finally found newlfs (the name almost makes sense. If only newfs was
> called newffs). But I just can't get the thing to run for more than a few
> seconds.
> Has anybody gotten an LFS filesystem working correctly (on sun4c) ?
I've not (yet) fooled around with trying to get LFS working, but I know
there was some work on LFS in BSD4.4 done by Margo Seltzer and co. This
purportedly includes several bug fixes, as well as extending LFS to use
fragments. You can find a discussion of various related issues in:
and you can get the mods to the LFS sources in :
The papers are interesting reading, as is Ousterhout's response.
These patches might also be in a NetBSD PR somewhere, but I couldn't find
it on the PR query page.
Tom Pavel
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center