Subject: Re: was Re: vipw done. Now what?
To: None <>
From: Max Bell <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/10/1996 07:35:00
>From: Wayne Berke <>
>In message <>, Max Bell writes:
>>[work arounds for lack of double quote escaping within double quoted terms

>My point is that Tom Christensen brings up some valid issues in his
>paper.  Basic operations that are straightforward in sh (such as escaping
>dquotes within dquotes), you either can't do in csh or you have to go through
>backhoops to do them.  Another example is splitting stdout and stderr.
>In sh, you can do:
>[illustation of superior stderr redirection in Bourne vs C shell omitted]

And my point is that while Tom does have some valid comments about areas of
weakness in the C shell, and makes a good case for using Bourne instead for
production scripts, it ignores the fact that the Bourne shell has its own
set of problems and strays beyond facts into personal aesthetics.
