Subject: Re: vipw done. Now what?
To: Jaime Kikpole <>
From: Hume Smith <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/03/1996 11:49:31
> OK, I used vipw to add several users. I edited (with vi)
> /etc/group. I mkdir /usr/homes and then mkdir /usr/homes/jaime,
> /usr/homes/sarah, and so on. What do I set these directories to, using
> chmod? I know that I have to chown them to a user. I think that I've got
> everything, in fact, but when I login as one of these new users, I can't
> see any results from "ls" while in that directory. (There are files there,
> too.)
if the file names all start with ., you'll need the a switch on ls
to see them.
the directories should be readable (to be able to find
a file), executable (to be able to run ls on them), and writeable (to
be able to add/delete/rename files). the user will obviously
likely want these permissions himself; and wil likely want
to deny at least write to group and other. if he wants to
be secret but let people access certain files by name, he'll
deny x; if he wants nobody in (but root), deny both x and r.
i usually chgrp the directory to the user's default group, as well.
> The stty command worked great. Thanks. :) Now if only I could
> get my hands on tcsh and bash shells..... Anyone know of Unix FTP sites
> for basic software?
Hume Smith <> NetBSD r00lz :)
Real Americans don't carry cash. Their police may steal it.