Subject: Trouble Running Cern Httpd and gopher servers under NetBSD-1.1
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Len Burns <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/25/1995 20:26:26
I have been running Cern's httpd under NetBSD-1.0 i386
for a long time with excellent results. System is a 486/66, 32 megs
of memory, 70 swap, Adaptec 1742 controler.
When I upgraded to 1.1 I noticed a strange error.
The first time a client connects to the server the server sends the
file without any problem. It may do so on the next request as well,
but ieventually the client receives a message saying unexpected network
error and the request is not serviced. The next request is usually
serviced, but after several more requests the same error message is
received once again. There are no error messages appearing in the
httpd error log and if I put httpd into verbose mode for debugging the
last thing I see is the ident request. My gopher server is
exhibitting similar behavior as was my wais server until I rebuilt it
under 1.1. Rebuilding the httpd server did not solve the problem. I
have placed httpd and the gopher server under the control of inetd
which does work around the problem. Both work error free, but this is
not my preference. Any ideas about what may be causing this would be
very much appreciated. TIA