Subject: NetBSD-1.1 Serial Port Woes
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Len Burns <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/20/1995 11:42:20
I recently upgraded to 1.1 and am seeing some improvements and some
problems with the com driver. I am seeing better through put on our
ppp link than with 1.0, but am having trouble with dial up
connections. I am seeing 2 difficulties. The first is that before
the login prompt comes up there are some random characters, sometimes
"x"s and sometimes random garbage
that is enoughh to cause trouble with some autologin
scripts. I would see this on occasion with the older com driver, but
not as frequently. The second problem I am seeing is that when a user
disconnects it appears that dtr is not being suppressed long enough
for 2 or 3 modems to completely reset. I was using a com driver for
1.0 which had been modified to incorporate bidirectional com ports and
had the side benefit of a variable that could be set to control how
long dtr was held down after a hangup. With that number increased,
I had no problem with modems resetting. I would like to increase
that once again and would appreciate a pointer to how do change it. Any
ideas on either of these are very welcomed. TIA