Subject: Installing netbsd from master DOS drive, onto slave.
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robin Carey <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/14/1995 14:48:20
Hi there, I am trying to help someone install netbsd.
I have managed to direct them using a telephone as far as creating
file-systems and installing the netbsd kernel. This has worked fine ....
so all that is left to do is install the rest of the system. Oh, before I
forget, we're talking about i386 architecture, with two IDE hard-disk
drives. One is the master C: DOS drive which has all of the distribution
on it, and the other is a slave IDE drive, which is the one which has
already had the file-systems and kernel installed on. So the point of
failure is attempting to load the distribution from the C: master drive onto
the slave drive, to avoid having to mess around with floppies. Can
someone please help ? I told them to try mount_msdos /dev/wd0a /mnt and
the error device not configured/no disklabel came up.
Many thanks for any/all help.
Robin Carey.