Subject: More on sup
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Simon J DeBoer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/31/1995 18:50:20
Just for clarification and to add another question to my group:

The story as it stands is that I have a max of 1 hour per connection to 
the net, in that time I may not be able to download one whole sup 
package.  Because of this I have to restart SUP the next time I connect 
to the net, I do this with the -o option.  Fine...

Problem is that it keeps getting the same files, I have now received the 
source to the /usr/src/sys/compat/* thrice while attempting to reconnect 
to and I have never been able to get past whatever source 
code file it happens to be on when the connection must go down.

What do I do?  Wait for other people to tar them up and put them out as 
snapshots?  (For non-kernel stuff this doesn't bother me too 
doesn't change quickly)

	Help would be greatly appreciated...