Subject: Can't make ps work...
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Donald J. Maddox <root@rhiannon>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/26/1995 17:44:56
    Well, I'm stumped...  Sometime over the last few kernel sups, my ps 
command stopped working.  This has happened several times since I started 
running -current, but it has been easy to fix before...  Just rebuild 
libkvm, install it, rebuild ps, install it, and then ps works as 
advertised again.  Not this time.

    My kernel is -current, the source for all the aforementioned is 
-current, my includes are -current, and all of the .includes in 
/usr/share/mk are -current.  The rest of my binaries, however, are from 
the 950912 snapshot from

    Anybody have any ideas on this one?  Did I miss a step?  Is there 
something else I need to rebuild before ps will work?