Subject: Slip oddities
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian D. Carlstrom <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/25/1995 21:12:25
I'm running an out of date version of current (because I've been off the
net) and I'm trying to hook up again via slip so I can can get current.
I'm connecting to an sgi box and things seem to be fine on either end
but of course they are not. after its all setup, i try to ping the
remote host and i get no replies. i can see on the modem though, that
data is in fact going both ways in sync to my pings. also....and this is
my favorite part, tcpdump shows the traffic coming back from the remote
any ideas? please CC me on replies. i just sub'ed againwith majordomo
but havent gotten a reply yet