Subject: Initializing the modem, then starting getty...
To: 'netbsd-help' <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Maier <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/22/1995 08:51:00
This is my problem, every time I start NetBSD, I want to send an   
initialization string to the modem (turn auto answer on) and do it at   
38400.  I could write a program in C to do just this, however, I would   
have to have an entry like this in my /etc/ttys...

tty01  ""  vt100 off softcar

The problem is, I want to start /usr/libexec/getty after I initialize the   
modem, which is equivalent to...

tty01   "/usr/libexec/getty std.38400"  vt100 on secure

in the /etc/ttys.

Obviously I can't have both in /etc/ttys, how would I handle the hand off   
to initd?

Oh yes, I would like to do this in rc or rc.local.

Any Ideas.
